

I love to teach! Here are some of my experiences. I might post some of my teaching materials as I polish them more.

EECS16B: Designing Information Devices and Systems II

January 2023 - Present

Fall 2023 — Present: I am now a Lab TA for the Fall 2023 semester. In addition to my previous duties, I also help develop content for the course. This involves improving the current lab material, lab reports, and lab notes for students.
Spring 2023 — I am a Lab ASE for EECS16B for the Spring 2023 semester. This lab involves building the S1XT33N Robot Car (as outlined in my post here), and I am excited to teach students how to build their own robot car! I will update this page as the semester progresses.

EECS16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems I

August 2022 - December 2022

I was a Lab ASE for EECS16A, a course that teaches a combination of instroductory circuits and linear algebra. In the role of a Lab ASE, I
  • Taught lab sections for a lab of 20-30 students
  • Checked off students for lab assignments
  • Answered conceptual questions and helped students debug their circuits
  • Developed and brought-up new lab material for future students

Computer Science Mentors

August 2021 - Present

I mentor for Computer Science Mentors, a student organization that tutors for lower-division electrical engineering and computer science courses. I've taught CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs for three semesters so far. Each semester, I
  • Hold two 1-hour tutoring sessions for a group of five students with little or no previous programming experience
  • Prepare slideshows, worksheets, and programming exercises to supplement course content
  • Attend pedagogy trainings to learn how to effectively teach computer science

CS61B: Data Structures

January 2022 - May 2022

I was an academic intern for my Data Structures class. As an Academic Intern, I
  • Helped TAs during lab and office hours in assisting students with lab
  • Offered conceptual help and debugging assistance for labs and projects
  • Prepared lab and project materials for review and debugging purposes

Linux Sysadmin Decal

January 2022 - May 2022

This is a student-run course that teaches the basics of Linux System Administration. As a facilitator for the course, I
  • Created quizzes and proofread assignments for students
  • Gave short lectures and demos for different topics
  • Graded lab assignments