NameSemesterEE 194: Intel 16 Chip TapeoutSpring 2024EECS 251B: Graduate Digital Logic DesignSpring 2024EE 290-2: Hardware for Machine LearningSpring 2024CS 162: Operating SystemsSpring 2024EE 140: Linear Integrated CircuitsFall 2023EECS 149: Embedded and Cyber Physical SystemsFall 2023CS 169: Software EngineeringFall 2023CS 152: Graduate Computer ArchitectureSpring 2023EE 120: Signals and SystemsSpring 2023CS 186: Database SystemsSpring 2023EECS 151: Digital Logic Design and Integrated CircuitsFall 2022EECS 151LB: FPGA LabFall 2022EE 105: MicroelectronicsFall 2022CS 161: Computer SecurityFall 2022CS 61C: Computer Architecture and OrganizationSummer 2022EECS 16B: Designing Information Devices and Systems IISpring 2022CS 70: Discrete Math and Probability TheorySpring 2022CS 188: Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceSpring 2022CS 61B: Data Structures and AlgorithmsFall 2021EECS 16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems IFall 2021CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsSummer 2021